Top ways to love your home
The places we inhabit on a regular basis, impacts our mood and well being. From it’s efficiency to it’s appearance, your home can make you feel either energized and inspired or depressed and tired. We’ve found that these three obstacles are usually what keeps our clients from loving where they live.
Multiple studies have shown that clutter increases your stress level, making it difficult to focus and may lead to exhaustion. Piles of stuff make it harder to clean, allowing dust and pet dander to go unchecked, causing allergic and respiratory problems.
Clutter makes us feel anxious, guilty and sometimes embarrassed that we let it become a problem. The best solution is to create a schedule to tackle your clutter. Start with one area at a time and finish completely before moving on to another. Be sure to celebrate your success with each space you conquer.

Clutter and disorganization go hand and hand. Clutter develops because there is no place or plan for dealing with your stuff. Spending the energy looking for your keys or that important bill is both frustrating and huge waste of time. Stress and physical ailments such as headaches and backaches affect the unorganized. Your home should be a sanctuary and I’ve given tips on getting organized in the past to help you get there.

Don’t let your budget prevent you from having a home that works for you. A space can be transformed with a new wall color or by rearranging your existing furniture. It is possible to improve the function and appearance of your home with any size budget.
Besides moving the furniture around or painting a room, other ways to improve your home’s appearance on a budget is with the lighting, window treatments and artwork to name a few. Click the links for in depth advice on all these subjects.

Mr. H says: Any home can be a castle when the king and queen are in love-Enjoy!