Wondrous Water Features
It’s been a long cold winter and we are all craving some out door time. There is nothing more relaxing than the sound of trickling water and humans naturally delight in this calming element. If you’re looking to add interest to an outdoor area or to mask unwanted sounds, such as street traffic, a decorative water feature is a great approach.

One item to consider in your planning is to match the size of your water feature design to the size of your available space. A ceramic bubbler is an easy way to introduce the sight and sound of water in a small back yard.

Use different materials to create a water feature that blends with the style of your house and yard. An old horse trough was used on this rustic property.

Surround the water feature with rocks and plants to soften the edges and create a more seamless transition from water to land.

This water wall composes a “foyer” into this back yard
Mr. H says: We never know the worth of water until the well is dry-Enjoy!